Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Summer Learning Journey Day 1: In The Beginning! Activity 1:The Legend of New Zealand!

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Maile,

    Happy New Year and welcome to the Summer Learning Journey! I am so excited that you have decided to join us on this adventure. The Ako Hiko cluster is on fire this year completing a lot of Summer Learning Journey activities.

    You have shared three very fascinating facts about our country, Aotearoa. I am so relieved that there are no snakes in New Zealand. I think I would find it hard living in Australia with the idea that there could be a snake in your backyard. This would put me off gardening, as in New Zealand there is nothing to be worried about when you stick your hand into the bush and pull out the weeds. In saying that, I have found a few huge spiders when pulling out weeds. These gave me a massive fright, but I knew that they were not harmful spiders. We are lucky to live in such a safe country.

    When I was staying at my Nana's house in England, I went to work with her next door neighbor who was a vet for exotic animals. I had the privilege of holding a diamond python. This was absolutely incredible. He was so big and extremely heavy. Have you ever held a snake before?

    I look forward to seeing more great posts from you Maile.

    Kindest regards,
    Megan :)


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